Yesterday, Ash and I took the Tesla in for servicing and got a loaner P85+ which was interesting to drive. The differences? This one is the + package which includes a different suspension, brakes and 21 inch rims. It also included some auto pilot functions. All in all, just a bit different. We talked to a few car dealerships in UK already about selling our Tesla in August. The going price seems decent, we’ll probably put it with one of the dealers and do a cruise to end the trip (a cruise around either the British Isles or Scandinavia) rather than spend it in Airbnbs. Ideally we can sell the car in August and get one in the US for Cayman.
After dropping off the car, we then made our way into Munich for a little night out and ended up buying a few apple watches. I’ll probably only wear mine during work outs or market hours as a way to keep track of the market/alerts without having to pull my phone out and/or being distracted at my computer. Will be a bit of a game changer for that. I’ve got it setup to display the RUT on my watch face 🙂
After that, we went and found a few beer gardens to enjoy some TapX and also some Augustiner beer (my personal favourite). You can’t export that beer, it’s got no preservatives and is brewed according to the purity law in Munich. Munich beer is just different. I don’t know how to explain it. The Augustiner beer history dates back to 1328 when the Augustinian brotherhood of monks brewed the beer in the Munich (which means monk by the way and so does Monaco).
Today, we will go back to pick up the car and I’ll probably get a haircut and stop at a Vegan restaurant we found. Tomorrow we depart for Wurzburg with a stop in Uln along the way. We spend four days in Wurzburg then will make our way to Berlin for a week followed by Copenhagen for another week. After that, who knows!