The market is up about 18 points (SPX) today and volatility is down about 12%. As I thought on Monday, a bit of consolidation or a bounce will deflate the volatility and our trades will do well, my account balance is at all time highs again and the MIC trades are now well positive. I closed the SPX call spreads when we were at lows (for 0.15c) and now our only upside risk in the SPX MIC is due to the put debit spreads we bought on the fall (we bought a lot of these). Still, even with these, our upside risk is quite limited. At this rate, I’ll probably close them on Monday but if I can get out of the put sides reasonably before then, I will.
My bearish butterfly for Jun is up about 30% and the bearish butterfly for Jul is up about 5%. Will be scaling out of those.