Wow. So the market opens up and gets to about -1.7% then proceeds to close at about +1.4%. This is why you wait till 2pm to adjust 🙂 At 2pm, most of our deltas were just fine. The market was hovering around 1093 and all is good. We were at ATHs for each of the trades. The market then starts screaming around 3:15pm up to 1113. This huge rise so close to DTE puts pressure on our upside deltas and as volatility is falling out of the trades, our T+0 line starts sagging on the right side of the graph. I had to make a flurry of adjustments to get the deltas in line and to protect from a potential gap up on Monday. The Trades are still at all time highs for the P/L but they’re a bit vulnerable to a big up move on Monday.